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Inviting foreign student's(D-2) parents(F-1) and required documents

Updated: Jan 23

Studying abroad can be challenging, but having the opportunity to be with your parents can help you focus more on your studies and overcome the difficulties of living abroad. Today, we'll explore the methods for foreign students (D-2 visa holders) to invite their parents (F-1 visa) and learn about the required documents for application.

Inviting Parents of Foreign Students

◆ Inviter's Qualifications

- Individuals who are currently enrolled in a master's or doctoral program at a domestic university, staying more than 6 months.

◆ Invitee's Qualifications

- Parents of the inviter or their spouse, up to a maximum of 2 persons (Employment in Korea is not allowed).

◆ Application and Permission Details

- Apply for a single-entry VISA ISSUANCE CONFIRMATION (F-1-15) for up to 90 days at the immigration or foreigner's office with jurisdiction.

- The invitation can be extended for 2 years within the inviter's stay period, inviting once.

◆ ◆ Special Privilege for Korean-chinese and koryo-saram Students

- Parents of Korean-chinese and koryo-saram students can be invited through Visiting Co-residence (F-1-15) or Visiting Employment (H-2-2) status

- When invited through Visiting Employment (H-2-2), domestic employment is permissible

◆ Required Documents

① Application for Certificate of Stay (attached Form No. 21), passport, one standard passport-sized photo

② Letter of Reason for Invitation (stating the intention not to engage in employment activities)

③ Proof of Identity

④ Proof of Family Relationship

⑤ Proof of Income/Investment Funds/Staying Expenses

※ The head of the immigration office may waive or attach certain documents for authenticity verification, qualification confirmation of the inviter and invitee, and other purposes.

Extending the Stay Period for Foreign Students

Extending the Stay Period for Foreign Students

While obtaining a visa and entering the country are important, it's equally crucial to extend the stay period. our Administrative Office is here to kindly guide foreign students on what they should be aware of. Especially, it is essential to acquire a time-based work permit for employment activities in advance to avoid any negative consequences due to illegal employment. When living with your family, extending the student visa becomes even more critical.

<Basic Principles>

Granting the stay period considering the academic schedule

◆ Student Status (D-2-1 to D-2-6)

- Upon foreigner registration: Adjusted to the end of March or September of the following year, then issue the registration card

- For changes/extensions: Within 2 years, permission until the end of March or September

​No recognition for leave of absence for household affairs or postponement of graduation

- Individuals who have suspended their studies (leave of absence) due to personal reasons or insufficient credits are subject to restrictions on extending their stay.

- However, in cases where unavoidable circumstances like illness or accidents are acknowledged, exceptional measures including changing the stay status might be taken.

​Limitations on extension in cases of changes in academic records during studying abroad (including language training)

◆ (Applicable to) Cases where one of the following applies

- Individuals transferring to another university due to expulsion (withdrawal, non-registration, regardless of disciplinary action) from the previous university

- - Individuals applying to change their stay status who have exceeded the total stay period at the time of application due to frequent changes in departments within the university, transfer to another university, etc.

- Individuals who have transferred to an evening or weekend program for the same degree program or the same university while studying abroad

※ In principle, permission to stay is restricted. After leaving the country, obtain a visa for the corresponding university for re-entry.

​Special extension allowance limit due to unmet graduation requirements, etc.

- Within 3 years of entering a associate's program, 6 years for a bachelor's program, and 5 years (6 years for 3-year master's programs) for master's, 8 years for doctoral programs

<Required Documents>

1. Application, passport, alien registration card, fee

2. Documents proving enrollment (research)

- (Example) Enrollment certificate, extended certificate for exchange students, research student certificate, etc.

3. Documents proving normal academic performance

- (Example) Transcript, attendance confirmation, etc.

4. Proof of financial ability

5. Admission Guidelines (Specifying Training Schedule) or Training Plan (Applicable to Korean Language Learners)

6. Proof of Residence Documents (Lease Agreement, Lodging Confirmation, Notice of Stay Expiration by Mail, Public Utility Payment Receipt, Dormitory Fee Receipt, etc.)


Honest and sincere, Immigration-related professional administrative office.

Company information

Cha Dong-seok Administrative Office

Tel: 010-3423-0935

Unit 301, 254, Eulji-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

Business number: 563-54-00713


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