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general naturalization, simplified naturalization, and special naturalization

Updated: Mar 2

To become a Korean citizen, a foreigner must go through the process of applying for naturalization, taking a written test, undergoing an interview, and renouncing foreign nationality.

Korean nationality law is divided into general naturalization, simplified naturalization (including marriage naturalization), and special naturalization.

First, let's look at the naturalization approval process.

1. Application and Receipt

[Immigration Office]

○ Divided into general naturalization, simplified naturalization (including marriage naturalization), and special naturalization

○ Minors can apply for accompanying naturalization when their parents apply for naturalization

2. Written Test and Interview

[Immigration Office]

○ Written test target: general naturalization, simplified naturalization, special naturalization

Marriage naturalization applicants are exempt from the written test (those who have broken off their marriage are subject to the written test)

○ Interview target: general naturalization, simplified naturalization, special naturalization

※ Those who have completed the social integration program and have basic qualifications as Korean citizens are exempt from the written test and interview

3. Naturalization Requirement Review

[Immigration Office]

○ Review of residence status, ability to maintain livelihood, criminal record, etc. for those who passed the written test and interview

(Adoption) Confirm the sincerity of adoption

(Marriage naturalization) Confirm whether a normal marriage relationship is maintained

4. Review Decision

[Ministry of Justice]

○ Final review decision on whether to grant naturalization after criminal record inquiry, identity inquiry, etc.

5. Announcement and Notification

[Ministry of Justice]

○ Official Gazette and notification to the individual

○ Notification to related agencies such as the Supreme Court (preparation of family relationship registration)

6. Renunciation of Foreign Nationality, etc.

[Immigration Office]

○ Renunciation of foreign nationality (principle) or pledge not to exercise foreign nationality within 1 year after permission

※ Marriage naturalization permit holders can pledge not to exercise foreign nationality

(Those who have broken off their marriage are subject to renunciation of foreign nationality)

7. Resident Registration

○ Eup, Myeon, Dong Office (Community Center)

General Naturalization Requirements

① Have an address in the Republic of Korea for 5 years or more continuously

② Be an adult under the Civil Law of the Republic of Korea

③ Have good conduct

④ Have the ability to maintain a livelihood by one's assets or skills, or by relying on a family living together

⑤ Have basic qualifications as a Korean citizen, such as Korean language skills and understanding of Korean customs.

Simplified Naturalization Requirements

Simplified naturalization (3 years or more of residence) requirements

① Those who have an address in the Republic of Korea for 3 years or more

② Those whose father or mother was a Korean citizen

③ Those born in the Republic of Korea and whose father or mother was born in the Republic of Korea

④ Those who were adults under the Civil Law of the Republic of Korea when they were adopted as children of a Korean citizen

Simplified naturalization (marriage cohabitation = marriage) requirements

① Those who have an address in the Republic of Korea for 2 years or more in a married state with their spouse

However, if you have written a marriage certificate abroad and entered Korea, you must have lived for 2 years or more from the day of entry

② Those who have been married for 3 years and have an address in the Republic of Korea for 1 year or more in a married state

Simplified naturalization (marriage relationship termination) requirements

① Those who were in a married state with a Korean and hadan address in the Republic of Korea for 2 years or more because they could not have a normal married life due to the death, disappearance of the Korean spouse, or other reasons for which they were not responsible

② Those who are raising a minor child due to their marriage with a Korean citizen, or those who have to raise a minor child and have fulfilled the period, and those who the Minister of Justice recognizes as reasonable

Special Naturalization Requirements

Special naturalization (nationality recovery, adult/minor biological child/minor adopted child) requirements

① Those who have general requirements of conduct and basic qualifications, and whose father or mother is a Korean citizen and the person is a foreigner, can be granted naturalization if they have an address in the Republic of Korea. The children (regardless of age or marital status) of the naturalization permit holder can apply for special naturalization regardless of their domestic residence period.

② If a foreign woman who is married to a Korean citizen wants to adopt her biological child (minor) as a Korean husband, she can be granted naturalization immediately after entering the country. If the parental rights belong to the ex-husband abroad, additional documents such as the notarized document of the biological father's renunciation of parental rights, the consent to acquire Korean nationality, and the content that the mother who is married to a Korean citizen has parental and custody rights must be submitted.

Special naturalization (special merit, excellent talent) requirements

① Those who have made special contributions to the Republic of Korea

② Those who have very excellent abilities in specific fields such as science, economics, culture, and sports, and are recognized to contribute to the national interest of the Republic of Korea

Accompanying Acquisition Requirements

The law stipulates that a minor child of a foreigner can apply for nationality acquisition together when their parents apply for naturalization. If a minor does not apply for accompanying acquisition and the parent applies for naturalization or nationality recovery, the child cannot apply for accompanying acquisition later and must go through the naturalization process independently. If the parent has acquired Korean nationality, the child can apply for special naturalization.


Honest and sincere, Immigration-related professional administrative office.

Company information

Cha Dong-seok Administrative Office

Tel: 010-3423-0935

Unit 301, 254, Eulji-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

Business number: 563-54-00713


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