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F5 Permanent Residency Point-based Permanent Resident (F-5-16), Spouse and Minor Children (F-5-18) Requirements Submission Documents. Exemption Targets for Foreign Criminal Record Certificate

Today, I will post about one of the specific qualifications for F5 permanent residency that can be changed from the F-2-7 visa (point-based excellent talent), the F-5-16 visa (point-based permanent resident), and the F-5-18 visa issued to the spouse and minor children of the point-based permanent resident.

※F-5-16 can only be applied for a change from F-2-7.

To apply for the F-5-16 point-based permanent resident visa, the so-called three major requirements for permanent residency, which are the Good Conduct Requirement, Basic Ability Requirement, and Self-Support Ability Requirement, must be met.

※Not all permanent residency qualifications require meeting these three conditions. Whether these conditions need to be met for permanent residency application varies by the specific qualification for permanent residency, and the frequently applied F-5-1 (general permanent residency, over 5 years of stay), F-5-10 (bachelor's, master's degree holders), F-5-16 (point-based permanent resident) all require meeting the Good Conduct Requirement, Basic Ability Requirement, and Self-Support Ability Requirement.

More detailed information about the Good Conduct Requirement, Basic Ability Requirement, and Self-Support Ability Requirement for permanent residency application can be found at the link below.

Point-based Permanent Resident (F-5-16)


- People who have resided in South Korea for more than 3 years with a residence qualification corresponding to F-2-7 and are recognized by the Minister of Justice as needing to continue residing in South Korea

Decent Conduct Requirement, Basic Aptitude Requirement, Livelihood Maintenance Requirement

1. Decent Conduct Requirement (submission of a foreign criminal record certificate is mandatory)

2. Basic Aptitude Requirement (completion of the 5th level of the Social Integration Program or scoring above 60 in the permanent or naturalization comprehensive evaluation)

3. Livelihood Maintenance Requirement (income or assets possible: the previous year's income amount is at least double the GNI or the previous year's net assets are at least 1.5 times higher)

※ Livelihood Maintenance Requirement can include the combined income of cohabiting family members.

※ Income and assets cannot be combined for calculation, and the applicant's own income or assets must account for more than 50%, except in the case of minor children and those raising minor children.

Individual Requirements for Point-based Permanent Resident (F-5-16)

※ Must meet both ① and ② requirements below:

① Continuously residing in South Korea as a point-based resident (F-2-7) from 3 years before the application date until the application date.

② No work or operation experience in industries that are against good morals or other social orders, including entertainment service businesses (including similar types of businesses), from 3 years before the application date until the decision date.

※ The continuous stay in Korea is calculated by adding up the days of stay, excluding the extension period for stay due to departure and the grace period for departure.

※ If the temporary departure period exceeds 90 days or the total departure days exceed 180 days a year, the 3-year period is recalculated from the day of re-entry.

Spouse of Point-based Permanent Resident (F-5-18)

Decent Conduct Requirement, Basic Aptitude Requirement, Livelihood Maintenance Requirement

1.Decent Conduct Requirement (submission of a foreign criminal record certificate is mandatory)

2.Basic Aptitude Requirement (completion of the 5th level of the Social Integration Program or scoring above 60 in the permanent or naturalization comprehensive evaluation)

3.Livelihood Maintenance Requirement (income or assets possible: the previous year's income amount is at least equal to GNI or the previous year's net assets are at least equal)

※ The self-support ability requirement can include the combined income of cohabiting family members.

※ Income and assets cannot be combined for calculation, and the applicant's own income or assets must account for more than 50%, except in the case of minor children and those raising minor children.

Individual Requirements for the Spouse of Point-based Permanent Resident (F-5-18)

※ Must meet all requirements of the applicant's spouse and the applicant

◆ Requirements for the Applicant's Spouse (Permanent Resident)

① Changed from point-based residency (F-2-7) to point-based permanent residency (F-5-16).

② Continuously resided in South Korea as a point-based permanent resident (F-5-16) from 2 years before the applicant's permanent residency application date until the decision date.

※ The applicant's spouse must have acquired point-based permanent residency (F-5-16) at least 2 years before the application date.

◆ Applicant Requirements (Spouse of Permanent Resident)

① Possessed the spouse of a point-based resident's qualification (F-2-71) from 2 years before the application date until the decision date.

② Maintained a legal marital relationship with the spouse and resided together in South Korea from 2 years before the application date until the decision date.

※ Divorce or common-law marriage is not permitted, and if recombined after divorce within a year before the application date, it is considered not to have maintained a marital relationship for 2 years.

③ No work or operation experience in industries that are against good morals or other social orders, including entertainment service businesses (including similar types of businesses), from 2 years before the application date until the decision date.

Minor Child of Point-based Permanent Resident (F-5-18)

Decent Conduct Requirement, Basic Aptitude Requirement, Livelihood Maintenance Requirement

1.Decent Conduct Requirement (submission of a foreign criminal record certificate: exempted for minors under 14 years of age and those who entered South Korea under 14 years of age and did not stay abroad for more than 6 months continuously after reaching 14 years of age)

2.Basic Aptitude Requirement (not subject to evaluation)

3.Livelihood Maintenance Requirement (income or assets possible: the previous year's income amount is at least equal to GNI or the previous year's net assets are at least equal)

※ The self-support ability requirement can include the combined income of cohabiting family members.

※ Income and assets cannot be combined for calculation, and the applicant's own income or assets must account for more than 50%, except in the case of minor children and those raising minor children.

Individual Requirements for Minor Child of Point-based Permanent Resident (F-5-18)

※ Must meet all requirements of the applicant's father or mother and the applicant

◆ Requirements for the Applicant's Father or Mother (Permanent Resident)

① Previously changed from point-based residency (F-2-7) to point-based permanent residency (F-5-16).

② Continuously resided in South Korea as a point-based permanent resident (F-5-16) from 2 years before the applicant's permanent residency application date until the decision date.

※ The applicant's father or mother must have acquired point-based permanent residency (F-5-16) at least 2 years before the application date.

◆ Applicant Requirements (Minor Child of Permanent Resident)

① Must be a minor under the Civil Code (under 19 years of age) at the time of application.

② Possessed the child of a point-based resident's qualification (F-2-71) from 2 years before the application date until the decision date.

③ Received custody and care from a person with point-based permanent residency (F-5-16) and continuously resided in South Korea from 2 years before the application date until the decision date.

※ Complete departure a year before the application date is not considered continuous residence.

④ The point-based permanent resident (F-5-16) must have parental and custody rights.

<Exemptions for Submitting Foreign Criminal Records for F-5 Permanent Residency>

① People under 14 years of age

② Born in South Korea or entered South Korea under 14 years of age and did not stay abroad for more than 6 months continuously after reaching 14 years of age

③ People who submitted a foreign criminal record certificate at the time of visa issuance and applied for a change of residency status within 3 months after the visa issuance date

④ People who are restricted from issuance due to age requirements or failure to meet residency requirements in the issuing country

※ Example: Canadians under 18 years of age (the applicant must prove that it is impossible to submit the certificate)

⑤ People who cannot obtain a criminal record certificate due to natural disasters, war, or similar circumstances recognized by the Minister of Justice

⑥ People who have previously submitted a foreign criminal record certificate and have not stayed abroad for more than 6 months continuously during the period of stay permission in South Korea

⑦ People who have continuously and legally resided in South Korea for more than 10 years (must not have stayed abroad for more than 6 months continuously)

⑧ High-value investors (F-5-5), Doctorate in Advanced Fields (F-5-9), Doctorate in General Fields (F-5-15), Specific Skill Holders (F-5-11), Special Merit (F-5-12), Ethnic Korean Permanent Resident (F-5-7) applicants as special merit

<Submission Documents for F-5-16, F-5-18 Application>

1. Passport, integrated application form, foreign registration card, 1 standard size photo

2. Basic information of the applicant for F-5 qualification (document prepared by the foreign applicant)

3. Proof of residence

- For renters: Lease contract

- For homeowners: Real estate registration certificate

- If provided accommodation by others: Accommodation provision confirmation letter, photocopy of the provider's ID, and the lease contract or real estate registration certificate in the provider's name

4. Tuberculosis diagnosis certificate (if applicable, valid for 3 months): Issued by public health centers or designated hospitals by the Ministry of Justice

5. Guarantee of Identity and Copy of Guarantor's ID Card

6. Documents proving the decent Conduct Requirement

- Original foreign criminal record certificate (issued within 6 months prior to the application date, with official verification and translation required)

7. Documents proving the Basic Ability Requirement: Submit one or more of the following documents

① Pass Certificate of the Korean Immigration & Naturalization Eligibility Test (For Permanent Residency Comprehensive Evaluation) ② Pass Certificate of the Korean Immigration & Naturalization Eligibility Test (For Naturalization Comprehensive Evaluation)

③ Completion Certificate of the Social Integration Program (For Korean Immigration Permanent Residency Course) ④ Completion Certificate of the Social Integration Program (For Korean Immigration Naturalization Course)

8. Documents proving the Livelihood Maintenance Requirement

- If proving with income: Income Amount Certificate from the previous year

- If proving with assets: Real estate registration certificate, real estate sales contract, lease contract, bank balance certificate (for savings/deposits), etc.

9. Tax payment certificates (national tax clearance, local tax payment certificate)

※ Documents proving the requirements for F-5-16: Copy of the company's business registration certificate, copy of the employment contract, certificate of employment

※ Documents proving the requirements for F-5-18: Family relationship proof documents

※ Documents according to foreign registration details: Certificate of enrollment or other documents proving current enrollment (for foreigners aged 6 to 18)


Honest and sincere, Immigration-related professional administrative office.

Company information

Cha Dong-seok Administrative Office

Tel: 010-3423-0935

Unit 301, 254, Eulji-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

Business number: 563-54-00713


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