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F1 Visa F-1-16 Target and required documents for inviting spouses and minor children of recognized refugees (F2)

Updated: Feb 28

A few months ago, a young Afghan man holding a G1 visa (refugee application) requested me to help with the issuance of a D4 visa (Korean language training) for his spouse who is in Afghanistan.

The wife, in her early twenties with good academic grades and meeting other requirements, was in the process of finding a suitable school and proceeding with the visa application. However, due to the closure of the Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Afghanistan because of the Taliban, there was a delay in getting the necessary documents verified by the consulate.

※ The Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Afghanistan is currently operating a temporary office in Doha, Qatar, due to the Taliban. However, due to various adverse and dangerous social conditions, the embassy in Qatar cannot currently perform visa services.

For a temporary alternative, the embassies in Iran, Pakistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and the consulate in Karachi, Pakistan, have been designated to operate visa issuance.

The wife attempted to get the D4 visa application documents verified through the Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Iran but faced delays due to local conditions.

A few days ago, the Afghan young man called again. He had been granted refugee status and issued an F2 visa.

He now wanted to invite his spouse not for the D4 visa (Korean language training) application but as the dependent now that he had an F2 visa. He asked if it was possible and how to proceed, wishing to request my assistance again for the procedure and visa issuance.

I congratulated the young man and decided to proceed with the process of inviting his spouse as a spouse of a recognized refugee (holder of an F2 visa) instead of issuing a D4 visa.

※ The G1 visa, commonly referred to as the refugee visa, specifically G-1-5, is not a refugee visa but is issued to foreigners who apply for asylum. If the asylum application is accepted, this visa allows them to stay during the lengthy review process. It is neither more nor less than that. Also, it is not the case that a G1 visa is issued unconditionally just because one applies for refugee status without any basis or evidence.

The G1 visa is also issued after a review. Refugee status, if granted, allows the change from a G1 visa to an F2 visa (residence visa: employment, study, entry/exit, all free). ※ As of 2023, the refugee recognition rate is about 2%. This means that out of 100 applicants, only 2 are recognized as refugees after review. Completely excluding my personal opinion and looking at the statistical results alone, it could be interpreted that, among 100 people who applied for refugee status, all except for 2 did so simply for the purpose of extending their stay or delaying time.

Of course, I think there could be exceptions. Among those not recognized, there might have been individuals who applied for refugee status because they would be seriously threatened with their lives if they returned to their homeland. Now, let's discuss the F1 visa (F-1-16) issued to the spouse and minor children of a recognized refugee who holds F2 visa.

F1 visa (F-1-16) for the spouse and minor children of a recognized refugee

First, the F1 visa (F-1-16) issued to the spouse and minor children of a recognized refugee is not available for application at overseas missions or for confirmation of visa issuance application (invitation by the refugee at the immigration office). Only a change of status (domestic visa change) is possible within Korea. Therefore, they must first enter Korea on a C3 visa issued by an overseas mission. Then, they can apply for a change of status to an F1 visa at the immigration office under the jurisdiction of the inviter. The C3 visa can be issued by submitting the basic documents required for visa issuance along with the inviter's refugee recognition certificate and documents proving family relationship.

Also, since visa issuance (issued by a foreign mission) is the principle, the exact documents must be confirmed by the Embassy of the Republic of Korea in the region where the invitee is located. Then, we will look at the process of changing the status to an F1 visa (F-1-16) in Korea, from the target to the submission documents in order.

F1 Visa (F-1-16) Eligibility and Permit Period

< Eligibility > Spouses and minor children of recognized refugees ※ However, minor children with spouses are excluded

< Permit Period > Up to 2 years within the stay period of the recognized refugee

Documents for Changing Status in Korea

- 아Below are the basic submission documents. Additional documents may be requested for review. ① Application form, passport and alien registration card, standard size photo, fee

② Refugee recognition certificate of the spouse or their parents

③ Documents proving the applicant is a family member of the refugee (family relationship certificate, marriage certificate, birth certificate, etc.)

④ Proof of residence documents (lease agreement, accommodation provision confirmation, notice of lease expiration, public utility bill receipt, dormitory fee receipt, residence confirmation from church, refugee support facility, human rights organization, UNHCR, etc.)


Honest and sincere, Immigration-related professional administrative office.

Company information

Cha Dong-seok Administrative Office

Tel: 010-3423-0935

Unit 301, 254, Eulji-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

Business number: 563-54-00713


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