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E74 skilled worker visa eligibility requirements, required documents and score table

Updated: Jan 23

E74비자 선발기준과 자격요건을 설명하는 이미지

A while ago, the preliminary successful candidates for the Q2 2022 Skilled Worker (E7-4) visa were announced. Since this is a preliminary announcement, we need to wait for the final successful candidates to be revealed, but the competition was fierce, and the cutoff score was 70 points.

<최근선발인원과 최저점수 그래프>

The specific details of the final successful candidates will be clearer once they are announced, but for this round, there were a total of 250 successful candidates. The score distribution is as follows: 3 people in the 90-point range, 50 people in the 80-point range, and 197 people in the 70-point range.

The most common score range among the successful candidates was between 73 and 77 points, with 125 people in this range, making up half of the successful candidates.

The cutoff score was 70 points in both Q1 and Q2, and it seems that to be able to apply and successfully secure a visa, a score of at least 71 points may be necessary.

Q3 applications will begin on September 19th.

It's challenging to prepare for and succeed in the Q3 or Q4 intake if you don't start preparing now. Moreover, very few people succeed in one attempt. It is recommended to prepare in advance to achieve a good score and be selected.

Now, let's take another look at the E74 visa skilled worker points system, which many of you may already be familiar with.

E74 Skilled Worker Qualification Criteria

To change from an E9 visa to an E7-4 visa, you must meet all three of the following requirements

1. Existing residency qualification

- Must have a non-professional employment (E9 visa), seafarer employment (E10 visa), or visit employment (H2 visa) qualification.

2. Type and duration of employment

- Must have worked for more than 5 years in the manufacturing, construction, or agriculture and fisheries industries within the past 10 years.

3. Eligible for the skilled worker points system

-Must have a total score of at least 52 points based on the established criteria (out of 209 points).

2022 Skilled Worker Selection Quota

- The total number of skilled worker points-based (E7 visa) selections for 2022 is 2,000, which is double the number from the previous year.

Due to COVID-19, the Ministry of Justice's Immigration Bureau has implemented a policy to grant an extension of stay for up to 5 years or more for E9 and H2 visa holders during the pandemic. This creates a good opportunity to apply for an E7 visa. The increased demand may have contributed to the decision to expand the quota.

E7비자 수시 정시 선발 인원표

1.Regular Selection: 1,000 people / 250 people per quarter This type is held four times a year, selecting a fixed number of people during each quarter. Procedure: Selection schedule announcement (Hi Korea) → Apply within the selection period → Individual evaluation → Selection result announcement (Hi Korea) 2.Continuous Selection: 1,000 people This type of selection occurs throughout the year. Subcategories: - High scorers: 180 people (closed) - Excellent job-creating companies and commendation for job creation support: 50 people (closed) - Government agencies recommendation

General manufacturing (recommended by the Ministry of Employment and Labor): 350 people Root industries (recommended by the Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Energy): 120 people Agriculture and livestock (recommended by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs): 150 people Fisheries (recommended by the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries): 150 people Procedure: Continuous application throughout the year (1.1. ~ 12.31.) → Individual evaluation → Individual notification of approval status

2022 Skilled Worker Application Schedule

1. Regular Selection

취업비자  e7비자 정기 선발 분기 일정과 선발인원표

2. Continuous Selection

You can apply continuously throughout the year ('22.1.1. ~ '22.12.31.).

Applications are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis, and once the selection quota for each detailed type is exhausted, applications for that type will be closed.

2022 Skilled Worker Selection Criteria

1. Regular Selection

Selection is based on high scores, and applicants must meet at least one of the following criteria

- The annual income score for industrial contribution value must be at least 10 points, and the total score must be at least 52 points.

- The future contribution value score must be at least 35 points, and the total score must be at least 72 points.

2. Continuous Selection

High Score Quota (closed)

- Must meet at least one of the following criteria

- The annual income score for industrial contribution value must be at least 10 points, and the total score must be at least 68 points.

- The future contribution value score must be at least 35 points, and the total score must be at least 72 points.

Excellent companies creating jobs and commendation for job creation support quota (closed)

- Must meet the minimum score for regular selection.

- Excellent job-creating companies

Employing at least 10 domestic workers for more than three months as of the application date

Companies that have increased the number of domestic workers (those earning at least the minimum wage and enrolled in employment insurance for more than three months) by an average of 5% or more compared to the previous two years (refer to Attachment 2)

One person is allowed (if the allowed quota is exceeded, one more person is allowed)

- Commendation for job creation support

Individuals or private companies who have received commendation* for job creation support from the Ministry of Employment and Labor within the past two years

* Commendation: Medal, award, Presidential or Prime Minister's commendation, Minister's commendation

Companies affiliated with individual commendation recipients can apply

One person is allowed (if the allowed quota is exceeded, one more person is allowed)

Cannot apply simultaneously with excellent job-creating companies

Department recommendation quota

- Must meet the minimum score for regular selection.

- (Manufacturing) Individuals recommended by the Ministry of Employment and Labor

(Root industry) Those who have been recommended by the Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Energy (National Root Industry Promotion Center) as a root company

Separate selection of 120 people by the Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Energy is planned → Rolling admissions for selected applicants

- (Agriculture and livestock) Those who have received a recommendation from the Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs

- (Fisheries) Those who have received a recommendation from the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries

ndustry contribution value annual income criteria

1. Regular Selection

2. Continuous Selection

Precautions for application

When submitting the regular selection application form, the eligibility is not separately evaluated, and the evaluation proceeds without requesting additional documents other than the required documents.

The required document supplementation period is limited to 3 days from the date of receipt due to the short selection process.

Once the evaluation results are announced, it is not possible to revoke or withdraw the application, refund the fee for the issued receipt, or return the submitted documents.

If any disqualifying reasons are found after the final selection, the selection may be canceled.

Even if you are not selected in the application results, you can continue to stay under your current visa status until the previously approved period of stay expires.

Objections to the selection results must be submitted within the specified period, and applications are not possible after the deadline.

E7비자 선발 결과에 대한 이의신청 절차도

Precautions: Objections can only be made based on the scores calculated from the documents submitted at the time of application, and supplementary document submission is not accepted during the objection application period.

Skilled workforce scoring evaluation items

Target group Foreigners who have been working in South Korea for at least 5 years within the past 10 years under E-9, E-10, and H-2 visas - Exclusions: Criminal offenders, tax evaders, those who violated the Immigration Control Act 4 or more times <Reference>: Criminal offenders refer to those who have been fined (fines of 500,000 KRW or more); those who have paid their taxes in full can apply Scoring criteria : Out of a total of 209 points, at least one of the following should apply 1. Individuals with an 'annual income' score of 10 or higher in industry contribution value, with a total score of 52 or higher 2. Individuals with a total future contribution value score of 35 or higher and a total score of 72 or higher

A. Basic items: maximum of 90 points

​1) Industry contribution value

◆ Annual income: up to 20 points

<Legend>: The score is based on the annual income of at least 26 million KRW for the last 2 years as of the application date (based on the income statement issued by the tax office), and the average amount of the 2-year income is calculated and assigned a score.

2) Future contribution value

Skill level: up to 20 points

<Reference>: No duplicate calculation between items (only the highest score can be calculated)

Ⓐ Only domestic qualifications directly related to the field of work as of the application date, limited to technical qualifications in the "Technical/Functional Field" of the National Technical Qualifications Act Enforcement Rule Appendix 2

Ⓑ Refers to the skill verification conducted by an institution designated by the Minister of Justice (National Root Industry Promotion Center)

◆ Education: up to 10 points

<Reference>: No duplicate calculation between items (only the highest score can be calculated)

<Legend>: Regardless of domestic or overseas acquisition, only regular courses apply

◆ Age: up to 20 points

<Reference>: Calculated by age (including date of birth)

◆ Korean language proficiency: up to 20 points

<Reference>: TOPIK is an official score table (only valid within the validity period), and the Social Integration Program (KIIP) is an official completion certificate or step-by-step certificate (pre-assessment allocation stage is not recognized)

B. Optional items: up to 119 points

◆ Length of service

Up to 10 points depending on the length of service at the same company

<Legend>: If the period of being employed by the relevant company reported to the Ministry of Justice is over 1 year, 1 point is given.

If it is over 2 years, 2 points are given, and there are no separate documents to be submitted by the applicant, and it is substituted by entry in the additional score section.

◆ Assets owned: up to 35 points

<Reference>: Duplicate calculation is possible between Ⓐ and Ⓑ (however, in this case, only the amount excluding Ⓐ is recognized for Ⓑ)

<Legend>: Ⓐ refers to monthly installment savings, and only applies if the monthly savings amount is 800,000 KRW or more

Ⓑ applies only to real estate (land/house/building) owned by the applicant and held for more than 1 year as of the application date

Both Ⓐ and Ⓑ are recognized only when they prove to be the applicant's net assets

◆ Domestic work experience in the related field within the last 10 years: up to 15 points

<Reference>: No duplicate calculation between items (only the highest score can be calculated)

<Legend>: Ⓐ scores are given to those who have been working in the root industry and agriculture, forestry, and fisheries for more than 1 year as of the application date, and only the work experience in the relevant field is recognized

◆ Domestic education or training experience in related occupations: up to 10 points

<Reference>: No duplicate calculation between items (only the highest score can be calculated)

<Legend>: Ⓐ Only applicable to those who have studied in a regular program at a domestic university and obtained a degree in a related profession at the associate level or higher

Ⓑ Only relevant training at domestic private institutions (D-4-6) authorized for training is recognized

◆ Additional points: up to 49 points

<Reference>: Items can be double-counted <Legend>

Ⓐ Applicable to those who have studied at a domestic university for more than 2 years and obtained an associate degree or higher, and can be double-counted with the 'degree holder' and 'education' items (regardless of major) Ⓑ Only recognized for central government employment recommendations related to the field of work as of the application date, and the head of the central government agency can recommend different scores within a maximum of 10 points

Ⓒ Refers to those who have completed Level 5 of the Social Integration Program, and additional points can be given in combination with the score of A-2-4 Ⓓ Standard for Eup and Myeon areas: The workplace must be located in an Eup or Myeon area with a population of 200,000 or more, excluding metropolitan cities and Gyeonggi Province Ⓔ (Medal/Citation) Only those awarded by the national or local government are eligible (2 points per case, maximum 5 points),

(Volunteering) Domestic social volunteering for more than 200 hours in 1 year or more

※ Combination of citations and social volunteering is not allowed (only 1 can be applied) ⓕ Refers to the annual income tax payment performance within 1 year as of the application date Ⓖ Additional points are given depending on the period for those who have stayed under non-professional employment (E-9) and participated in the seasonal work project implemented after the expiration of their stay period since August 21, 2020

C. Deduction items: up to 50 points

<Reference>: The combined (Ⓐ + Ⓑ) score is applied

<Legend>: Ⓐ Only the number of violations within 10 years as of the application date are counted, and all confirmed violations are included (including exemption from disposition and fines), with those who have violated 4 times or more being restricted from applying

Ⓑ Only the number of violations within 10 years are counted, limited to cases where the jurisdiction office has made a decision on stay permit

<Reference> However, for companies currently employing E-9 and E-10 foreign workers, a minimum of 1 person is allowed for employment

Benefits of E74 skilled worker qualification

1. If you stay for more than 5 years as a skilled worker (E-7-4) visa holder, you can change to a long-term resident visa F-2-99, provided the following requirements are met - Income: 18 times the minimum monthly wage - Assets: Maintain 15 million KRW or more for at least 6 months - Completion of the Social Integration Program Level 4 - Degree not required

2. If you obtain an F-2-99 visa, there are no employment restrictions (simple labor is also possible)

​3. If you work hard with an F-2-99 visa and meet twice the GNI income, you can also apply for permanent residency. You can apply without a bachelor's degree after changing from E-7-4 to F-2-99.

Documents to submit when changing to E74 (Skilled Worker Points System) visa

1. Fee of 30,000 KRW

2. Integrated application form / 1 photo

3. Passport / Alien registration card

4. Identity guarantee certificate

5 .Employment justification letter

6 .Standard labor contract

7 .Points System Conversion Evaluation Form

8 .Employment Creation Excellence Company Evaluation Form - applicable only to relevant individuals

9. Income amount certificate - for 2 years

10. Certificate of qualification and skill verification - applicable only to relevant individuals

11. Degree certificate - applicable only to relevant individuals

12. TOPIK score sheet or Social Integration Program completion certificate - applicable only to relevant individuals

13. Regular savings account proof document - applicable only to relevant individuals

14.Domestic assets proof document - applicable only to relevant individuals

15. Employment certificate and related field experience certificate

16. Employment insurance enrollment roster (can be replaced by a roster of 4 major insurance subscribers)

17. Copy of business registration certificate

18. Tax payment certificate, local tax payment completion certificate

19. Root company confirmation letter - applicable only to relevant individuals

20. Domestic education and training experience proof documents - applicable only to relevant individuals

21. Employment recommendation letter from the related ministry (Ministry of Employment, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries, Ministry of Industry) - applicable only to relevant individuals

22. Social contribution proof documents - applicable only to relevant individuals

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Cha Dong-seok Administrative Office

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Business number: 563-54-00713


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