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E7 Visa E-7-2 Jeju Island Restaurant/Food Establishment Duty-Free Shop Employment (Sales Clerk) Eligibility and Requirements

Updated: Feb 28

Last year, a Korean man living in Jeju Island (married to a Vietnamese woman) contacted me, asking if there was any way to bring his sister-in-law and brother-in-law from Vietnam to Korea. He also mentioned that he had a friend running a restaurant in Jeju Island and wished they could work there.

The client had a previous connection with me due to being temporarily released from detention. I told him that they couldn't come and work right away, and since his wife's siblings were still young, it might be better for them to come to Korea on a D4 visa (for Korean language training) to learn some Korean before seeking employment.

This was because, after completing more than 6 months on a D4 visa (for Korean language training) and acquiring at least Level 1 on the TOPIK exam, it would be possible for them to be employed at a restaurant in Jeju Island. The client agreed, and I proceeded to look into language schools and the D4 visa process.

Consequently, with the client acting as the identity guarantor, his sister-in-law and brother-in-law came to Korea on D4 visas. Both attended the same Korean language school and recently both took the TOPIK exam, with the sister-in-law achieving Level 2 and the brother-in-law Level 1. Following this, they both secured jobs at the same acquaintance's restaurant and have now requested me to apply for their E7 visas.

Today, we will explore the E7 visa (E-7-2), which one can obtain through employment at restaurants/dining places or duty-free shops in Jeju Island.

※ The information below applies only to employment at restaurants/dining places or duty-free shops within Jeju Island. It does not apply to other regions.

  • For duty-free shops or sales clerks in Jeju Special Self-Governing Province (31215)

(Description of the Occupation) ① Planning sales strategies and engaging in direct sales to foreigners in duty-free shops for the purpose of increasing exports and sales ② Working in sales at commercial facilities like food service establishments or stores within the Jeju English Education City to promote the use of English ③ Engaging in Korean interpretation and sales tasks at restaurants in Jeju Special Self-Governing Province (Examples of Eligible Occupations) Duty-free shop sales clerks, sales clerks at duty-free shops for foreign tourists, sales personnel at commercial facilities within the Jeju English Education City, interpreters and sales clerks at restaurants in Jeju Special Self-Governing Province (National Employment Protection Review Standards) Applicable Targets (Separate Standards Apply) - (Other Matters) In cases where there is no specific content for national employment protection, such as company size, employment ratio, minimum wage, etc., general standards apply comprehensively.

  • Qualification Requirements for each Types of Sales Clerks

1.For duty-free shops and duty-free sales shops for foreign tourists**

① At least 3 years of experience as a tour guide ※ (only duty-free shop work experience. considered relevant, general sales experience not recognized), with tour guide experience also recognized as duty-free shop work experience ② At least 3 years of experience as a duty-free shop sales clerk ③ A combination of at least 3 years of experience as a tour guide and duty-free shop sales clerk ④ Graduates (or expected graduates) from domestic colleges or higher education institutions (regardless of major or experience) ⑤ Graduates from foreign universities with a bachelor's degree or higher (regardless of major or experience) <Minimum Requirements and Calculation Standards for Allowed Personnel in Duty-Free Shops and Shops for Foreign Tourists> (Minimum Requirements) Designation of Duty-Free Shop for Foreign Tourists or License for Bonded Sales Outlet + Annual Sales of 240 Million KRW (20 Million KRW per month) or More + Business Premises Area of 200㎡ or More (Choose and Calculate from Contract, General Building Register, Business Registration Certificate) + Employment of 2 or More Nationals on a Regular Basis

2. For commercial facilities within the Jeju English Education City

- Parents of students attending international schools or family members of faculty, and graduates over 18 years old from overseas main schools ​※ For graduates over 18 years old from overseas main schools: Citizens of countries where English is the native language do not require specific qualifications, but citizens from countries where English is not the native language must have a TOEIC score of at least 800 points or possess a TESOL certificate. ​※ Special cases for workers at commercial facilities within the Jeju English Education City: Family members of students or faculty of Jeju international schools are allowed employment through permission for activities outside of their visa status, and graduates over 18 years old from overseas main schools entering without a visa are allowed employment through a change of visa status.

3. For restaurants/dining places in Jeju Special Self-Governing Province****

< E7 Visa Jeju Island Restaurant/Dining Job Applicant (Foreign National) Requirements > ​- Only need to meet one of the following requirements to apply ① Level 2 or higher on the Korean Language Proficiency Test (TOPIK)

② Completion of Level 2 or above in the Social Integration Program (KIIP)

③ Completion of a regular course of 2 years or more at a domestic college or higher educational institution

④ Completion of a Korean language training course (D-4-1) for 6 months or more and acquisition of Level 1 or above on the Korean Language Proficiency Test (TOPIK)

※ Application is possible from general long-term visas like D4, D2, D10, etc., but short-term visas (such as C-3), D-3, E-9, E-10, G-1, etc., are excluded < E7 Visa Jeju Island Restaurant/Dining Employment Employer Requirements > ​- Must meet all the following requirements to apply ① Business premises area of 100㎡ or more

② Annual sales of 100 million KRW or more

③ Employment of 2 or more nationals on a regular basis ※ However, if the area is 40~99㎡, but the sales are 100 million KRW or more and designated as a model restaurant by the local government, employment of at least 1 foreigner is allowed

※ However, for restaurants with annual sales of 300 million KRW or more (limited to Korean, Western, Chinese, Japanese restaurants), if the area requirement is met by 70%, employment of at least 1 foreigner is allowed

※ National employment is considered only if registered with employment insurance for more than 3 months and receiving at least the legal minimum wage < Jeju Island Restaurant/Dining Employment Personnel Calculation Standards > ​- The allowed personnel calculation standard is based on annual sales, with a maximum of 3 people per company


70㎡ or more

100㎡ or more

100㎡ or more

100㎡ or more


300M~500M KRW

100M~300M KRW

500M~1B KRW

1B KRW or more

National Employment

1 or more

1 or more

2 or more

3 or more

Allowed Foreign Employment

1 person

1 person

2 people

3 people

※ (Deduction for Absconders) Deduct the number of absconders from the allowed number of employments for one year from the date of absconding

※ (Employment Restriction for Poor Management of Stay) Companies that have changed to other (G-1) qualifications due to unpaid wages, etc., as of the application date, are restricted from new employment for one year to protect foreigner's rights and prevent abuse (include absconders in the deduction for one year)

(Management of Stay, etc.)

- General standards apply: However, changing to job-seeking (D-10) qualification outside Jeju Island for Jeju Island restaurant interpreter sales clerks is prohibited, re-entry through the issuance of a visa issuance certificate

(Additional Documents Required)

- Documents proving business premises area, sales requirements, list of employment insurance subscribers, employment insurance qualification acquisition details for the workplace


Honest and sincere, Immigration-related professional administrative office.

Company information

Cha Dong-seok Administrative Office

Tel: 010-3423-0935

Unit 301, 254, Eulji-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

Business number: 563-54-00713


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