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E6 visa foreign invitation - pop culture arts planning business registration Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism Korea Media Rating Board employment/performance recommendation letter issuance OEC

Updated: Mar 10

First, the targets of the E6 visa are as follows and are divided into a total of 3 categories.

E6 Visa Targets

● Artistic activities in music, art, literature, etc., that generate income

- Artists engaged in creative activities, such as composers, painters, sculptors, craftsmen, authors, and photographers

- Those who guide in music, art, literature, photography, performance, dance, film, sports, and other artistic activities

(Example: Professional and amateur sports coaches, orchestra conductors, etc.)

● Profit-oriented entertainment performances, theater, sports events, advertising, fashion models, etc.

- Individuals or groups performing entertainment, performances, plays, sports, etc., for profit, regardless of the form or name

(Example: Professional and amateur athletes, etc.)

- Not only those who wish to appear in entertainment performances, plays, etc., but also those accompanying them, including makeup artists, managers, etc.

※ If the stay period is less than 90 days, it corresponds to the residence qualification of short-term employment (C-4-5)

Types of E6 Visas

E-6-1 (Arts · Entertainment)

- Those corresponding to artistic activities that generate income in music, art, literature, etc., and professional broadcast acting, and those engaged in professional entertainment activities under the regulations of the Performance Act

(Artists such as composers, painters · photographers, orchestra performance · conductors, advertising · fashion models, professional Go players, broadcasters, entertainers, theater actors, makeup artists, etc.)

E-6-2 (Hotel · Entertainment)

- Those who do not correspond to 'E-6-1' and are engaged in performance or entertainment activities in hotel business facilities and entertainment establishments under the Tourism Promotion Act

(Singers · performers, acrobats · magicians, etc.)

- Those who wish to engage in activities at performance venues registered under the Performance Act among the auxiliary facilities of international conference facilities stipulated in Article 3, Paragraph 1, Item 6 of the Tourism Promotion Act and tourist establishments under the Tourism Promotion Act (e.g., Walkerhill Hotel, etc.)

E-6-3 (Sports)

- Professional athletes in soccer, baseball, basketball, etc., and their accompanying managers, etc., engaged in the sports field

(Professional soccer, baseball, basketball players, professional team coaches, managers, etc.)

Domestic companies inviting foreigners with an E6 visa must check the relevant institutions related to the activities and prepare various required documents to obtain an employment recommendation letter or performance recommendation letter from the relevant institutions.

Next are the institutions issuing employment recommendation letters (performance recommendation letters) for E6 visas.

E6 Visa Employment Recommendation Letter (Performance Recommendation Letter) Issuing Institutions

1. Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism : Singers, actors, models, e-sports

2. Korea Media Rating Board: Performances, hotels, entertainment establishments under the Performance Act

3. Korea Communications Commission: Terrestrial broadcast appearances

4. Ministry of Science and ICT: Cable, IPTV broadcast appearances

※ To receive an employment recommendation letter (performance recommendation letter) from the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, the inviting company must be registered in the pop culture arts planning business, and the activity must fall within the range of the pop culture arts industry defined by the Ministry.

Let's look at the registration requirements and required documents for the pop culture arts planning business.

What is the Pop Culture Arts Planning Business?

- A business that provides or arranges pop culture arts services for pop culture artists or provides training, guidance, counseling, etc., for pop culture artists

※ Registration is not required for pop culture artists who are individual business owners and provide their services without belonging to any pop culture artist group, but corporate business owners must register.

Pop Culture Arts Planning Business Registration Requirements

1. For individual business owners

- The representative has at least 2 years of experience in the pop culture arts planning business or has completed a related education course

2.For corporate business owners

- At least one of the representative or registered executives has at least 2 years of experience in the pop culture arts planning business or has completed a related education course

3. Common: Independent office (must have ownership or usage rights)

※ The related education course refers to the 40-hour course provided by the Korea Creative Content Agency, and the tuition fee is 100,000 won

Pop Culture Arts Planning Business Registration Procedure and Required Documents

- Issuance of the pop culture arts planning business registration certificate is possible at the city, county, or district office where the business place is located, and the required documents are as follows.

1. Pop culture arts planning business registration application form

2. Copy of the business registration certificate

3. Corporate registration certificate, corporate seal certificate, corporate seal (for corporations)

4. Basic certificate:

① For individuals - the representative

② For corporations - both the representative and registered executives

5. Office Lease Contract (If the applicant is the owner, a copy of the register, and if it's a sublease, the sublease contract and the lessor's consent for sublease)

6. Power of Attorney (Only when applying through a representative, attach a copy of the grantor's ID additionally)

7. Documents proving income earned from working in the pop culture and arts planning industry - Income Amount Certificate

※ Submit only if you have more than 2 years of experience working in the pop culture and arts planning industry and wish to register for it.

8. Certificate of career in pop culture and arts planning issued by an institution or organization established for the development of the cultural industry and designated by the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism

※ Submit only if you have relevant experience that cannot be proven with an income amount certificate.

9. Certificate of completed related education

※ Submit only if you have completed a relevant education course for the pop culture and arts planning industry and wish to register for it.

Now, let's look at the scope of the pop culture and arts industry as defined by the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism.


Presidential Decree on the Promotion of the Pop Culture and Arts Industry Act Article 2 (Scope of the Pop Culture and Arts Industry)

“The industries determined by Presidential Decree” in Article 2(1) of the “Promotion of the Pop Culture and Arts Industry Act” refer to any of the following industries

1. Industries producing pop culture and arts works utilizing pop culture and arts services provided by pop culture artists, including

a. Performances under the "Performance Act" (excluding dance, theater, and traditional Korean music performances)

b. Video content produced for broadcasting under the "Broadcasting Act" (excluding news and educational content)

c. Movies and video content under the "Promotion of Movies and Video Content Act"

d. Records, music files, music videos, and music video files under the "Promotion of the Music Industry Act"

e. Productions using images


2. Industries providing or mediating pop culture and arts services for the production of the pop culture and arts works mentioned above, or training, coaching, consulting the pop culture artists for that provision or mediation.


As confirmed, the key is production.

Producing performances/videos/video content/records, music-related videos, or providing services or mediation for production, or training/guiding/consulting for such provision or mediation, are necessary for the issuance of a recommendation letter from the Ministry.

Typically, film actors, singers, models, entertainers, and related production staff entering the country for the purpose of producing any form of media or record fall under this category and thus require a recommendation letter from the Ministry.

※ Note: For short-term visas (C-4-5) within 90 days, the Ministry does not issue employment recommendation letters.

Therefore, originally it should be issued by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, but if the stay is within 90 days and it is not possible to issue a recommendation from the Ministry due to the duration, it must be obtained from the Korea Media Rating Board, and whether it meets the requirements for recommendation by the Korea Media Rating Board must be checked separately.

※ Whether to proceed with E6 or C4 (short-term visa) depends on the period the invitee needs to stay in Korea. Proceed with E6 if it's more than 90 days, and with C4 if within 90 days.

The following are the documents required for applying for a recommendation letter for employment by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism

Documents for a recommendation letter from the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism

1) Application letter (including requested period for recommendation, stamped with the company seal)

2) Passport copy (color copy of original size, recommendation not possible if unclear) ※ Expiry date must be checked, valid for more than 6 months

3) Profile (resume)

4) Activity plan and supporting documents for planned activities ※ Enter the foreigner's email

5) Copy of exclusive contract (standard exclusive contract etc. set by the Ministry) ※ Notarization of truth required (partial notarization possible)

※ The contract should be valid until the end of the recommended visa period (1 year)

6) Guarantee of Identity (Guarantor - company representative / Guarantee - foreign national) ※ Notarization of truth required / Guarantee period must be stated (up to 4 years)

7) Business registration certificate copy

8) Corporate seal certificate (original), (or seal registration certificate for individual businesses)

9) Company brochure

10) CV of the representative (photo attached and signed)

11) Copy of registration certificate for pop culture arts planning business

12) Pledge

13) Copy of the music production report (distribution report, etc.) (for relevant companies)

Performances regulated by the Performance Act, hotel performances, and entertainment establishment performances must receive a recommendation from the Korea Media Rating Board.

To receive a recommendation from the Korea Media Rating Board for performances regulated by the Performance Act, the performance must fall within the categories defined by the act.


Performance Act Article 2 (Definition)

1. "Performance" refers to acts of presenting artistic spectacles such as music, dance, drama, musical, entertainment, traditional Korean music, acrobatics, etc., to the public through live performances. However, performances for the purpose of selling products or promotion are excluded.


Applications for performance recommendations from the Korea Media Rating Board can be made after registering on their website

※ Business registration certificate required for membership registration


The following are the documents required for applying for a performance recommendation from the Korea Media Rating Board for the E6 visa.

Documents for a performance recommendation from the Korea Media Rating Board

1. Overview of the performance and program (script, lyrics, etc.)

2. Description of foreign performers or groups (performer profiles)

3. Performance contract (including translation)

4. Documents verifying the performance venue (rental contract, etc.)

5. Other materials (images and videos related to the performance)

※ These are basic documents required.

Additional documents may be requested during the review process.

If you have received an employment recommendation letter/performance recommendation letter from the relevant agency, you can apply for an E6 visa.

The E6 visa involves various issuing agencies for the activity and recommendation letters, and the conditions of the invitee/invited vary depending on the purpose of the invitation, so there is no unified set of documents for all situations.

※ While the basic required documents are the same as mentioned in the guidelines, there may be variations in detail, and it is one of the visas that often requires additional documents for review.

Below are the basic documents I submit to immigration when inviting a foreign national with an E6 visa.

Documents for E6 confirmation of visa issuance application

1. Confirmation of Visa issuance application form

2. Business registration certificate copy

3. Copy of registration certificate for pop culture arts planning business

4. Employment contract (performance/appearance contract, etc.)

5. Recommendation letter from related agencies (Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism/Korea Media Rating Board, etc.)

6. Plan for performance/event/shooting

7. Passport copy of the invitee

8. Proof of experience/qualification

9. Degree certificate ※ If related to the activity's field of study

9. Guarantee of Identity (written by the inviting company representative)

10. Corporate registry certificate (for corporations)

11. Employment Insurance Qualification Acquisition History (for workplaces)

12. VAT certificate

13. Tax payment certificate (national tax payment)

14. Local tax payment certificate

15. Payment history certificate

16. Standard financial statement certificate

17. Power of attorney

※ For E-6-2, submission of a career certificate apostilled or verified by the consulate for more than 3 years is mandatory

(Those with a bachelor's degree or higher related to the performance can submit an apostilled or consulate-verified degree certificate instead of the career certificate for more than 3 years)

※ Additional documents for dispatch cases

- Worker dispatch business permit

- Copy of the business registration certificate of the performance venue, copy of the tourism business registration certificate

- Copy of the dispatch contract with the performance venue

* If the personal details (name, social security number) of the representative of the performance venue are not verified in the submitted documents, additional documents for verifying personal details are required

※ For performing or entertainment activities in tourism hotels or foreigner-exclusive entertainment restaurants under the Tourism Promotion Act

- Performance recommendation letter and entertainment activity plan from the Korea Media Rating Board

- Guarantee of Identity

- Verification of the facility status of the performance venue

* For comprehensive amusement facilities, tourism hotels, international conference facilities, and tourism cruise businesses, submission of a verification of the facility status of the performance venue is exempted

In the case of inviting a Filipino national

In the case of the Philippines, unlike other countries, for the purpose of protecting its nationals

Foreign nationals who have obtained an E-6 (entertainment) visa must obtain an OEC or OFW ID before leaving the country and present it upon entry into Korea.

Failure to present it may result in denied entry.


OEC application is a process after the E6 visa has been approved,

and can be applied for in the Philippines as well as at the Philippine Embassy in Korea.

※OEC : Overseas Employmet Certificate

If applying for an OEC at the Philippine Embassy in Korea, they will request related documents to check eligibility for issuance.

And those related documents also vary depending on who invites whom, under what visa, and for what purpose.

Below are the basic documents submitted to the Philippine Embassy in Korea for OEC issuance when a domestic company directly employs a Filipino person and invites them under an E-6 visa,

(without going through an agency, directly contracting labor with the Filipino invitee)

① Passport copy of the invitee (valid for more than 6 months)

② Business registration certificate (English version)

③ Original and copy of the employment contract (English version)

④ Recommendation letter from relevant agencies (Korea Media Rating Board/Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism)

⑤ Visa issuance confirmation

⑥ Profiles of the inviting company and the invitee

⑦ Other materials verifying the content of the performance (photos related to the performance and the performance plan, etc.)

※ Since the reviewer is Filipino, ⑥ and ⑦ must be submitted in English.


Honest and sincere, Immigration-related professional administrative office.

Company information

Cha Dong-seok Administrative Office

Tel: 010-3423-0935

Unit 301, 254, Eulji-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

Business number: 563-54-00713


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