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E2 Visa Conversation Instruction (Native Foreign Language Instructor) Qualification and Documents

Updated: Mar 1

What is E2 Visa (Conversation Instructor)?

◆ Foreigners who meet the qualifications set by the Minister of Justice to provide foreign language conversation instruction at specialized foreign language institutes*, elementary schools and above, affiliated language institutes, broadcasting companies, corporate-affiliated language training centers, and other similar institutions or organizations. a. Concept of Conversation Instructor ‣ Activities that guide students in methods of communication in a foreign language at specialized foreign language institutes, educational institutions, corporations, organizations, etc.

‣ Therefore, instructing specific linguistics, literature, or translation techniques in a foreign language does not fall under the category of conversation instruction.

b. Place of Activity ‣ Specialized foreign language institutes*, elementary schools and above, affiliated language institutes, broadcasting companies, corporate-affiliated language training centers, and other similar institutions or organizations. * Including remote learning schools that utilize ICT (amended in the Private Teaching Institutes Act).

【 Other Similar Institutions or Organizations 】

‣ Lifelong education facilities established under the Lifelong Education Act that meet the standards set by the Minister of Justice. ‣ Lifelong education facilities established and operated by the state or local governments under other laws (including ordinances).

‣ Vocational training facilities and corporations established under the Worker's Vocational Ability Development Act.

‣ Language instruction teachers of the (Foundation) Construction Industry Training Center designated as a construction technical personnel training agency under construction technical management laws.

‣ Corporations and public institutions with classrooms equipped with language teaching materials for their employees to learn conversation.

E2 Visa Eligibility

1. Instructors at foreign language institutes

‣ Citizens of countries where the respective foreign language is the native language, who have graduated from a university in that country and hold at least a bachelor's degree or have equivalent or higher education.

‣ Special case for domestic university graduates

Recognized qualifications for those who graduated from high school or vocational college in a country where the respective foreign language is the native language and obtained a bachelor's degree or higher in Korea.

‣ Special case for citizens of countries using official languages - For languages other than English, Chinese, and Japanese, citizens of countries using the respective language as an official language who meet the following conditions are granted conversation instruction qualifications • Hold a recognized teaching qualification for the respective language or have a bachelor's degree or higher in a related language field.

• The wage requirement is at least 80% of the previous year's GNI per capita. ※ For non-profit organizations such as cultural centers of embassies in Korea, the minimum wage of the respective year applies. 2. Those who intend to work in elementary, middle, and high schools recruited and selected under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education or the superintendent of education

Native English Teaching Assistant (EPIK)

‣ Citizens of countries where English is the native language* who have graduated from a university in that country and hold at least a bachelor's degree.

* English-speaking countries (7 countries): USA, UK, Canada, South Africa, New Zealand, Australia, Ireland.

English Teaching Assistant under the Korea-India CEPA Agreement:

‣ Indian citizens who have graduated from a university and hold at least a bachelor's degree and a teaching certificate (majoring in English).

Government-invited Overseas English Volunteer Scholar (TaLK)

‣ Citizens of countries where English is the native language who - Have completed at least 2 years of university in their home country (or at least 1 year for UK citizens) or graduated from a vocational college. - Or have received regular education in the respective foreign language for at least 10 years and completed at least 2 years of university in Korea or graduated from a vocational college or higher.

Native Chinese Teaching Assistant (CPIK)

‣ Chinese citizens who have graduated from a university or higher in China and hold a bachelor's degree or higher and a 'Certificate for Teachers of Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages' issued by the Chinese National Office for Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language.

3. Allowing English conversation instructors for non-English speaking spouses of professionals and international students. ‣ For spouses of professionals (E-1~E-7) and international students (limited to those in STEM fields with a master's or doctorate degree), even if they are not from English-speaking countries, they should possess TESOL*** certification and have at least a bachelor's degree or equivalent education. ※ Excludes qualifications for hotels and entertainment (E-6-2) ** TESOL: A training program that qualifies non-native English speakers to teach English in non-English speaking countries.

Maximum stay granted at once: 2 years


E2 Visa (Native Speaker Instructor) Required Documents

Institution Preparation Documents

1. Copy of Business Registration Certificate (Unique Number Certificate for schools).

2. Copy of Academy Registration Certificate (Unique Number Certificate for schools).

3. Invitation letter.

4. Visa issuance application form.

5. Foreign instructor employment status table.

6. Academy status and lecture timetable.

7. If applying through a representative: power of attorney, employment certificate, and copy of ID.

instructor Preparation Documents

1. Degree certificate with an apostille or a degree certificate notarized by the respective country's/Korean consulate (Canada)

2. Copy of passport with photo

3. Contract (signed by both the academy owner and the instructor)

4. Instructor's resume

5. Two color passport photos.

6. Transcript (sealed by the university) - For South African instructors, required by specific immigration offices.

7. Apostilled criminal record certificate or criminal record certificate notarized by the Korean consulate (Canada).

8. Visa number application form (immigration office format).

9. 자Self-health certificate (immigration office format).

E2 Visa Issuance (when applying at an overseas consulate)

1. Single-entry visa with a stay of up to 2 years for those who have signed an employment contract with the Minister of Education (or provincial superintendent) and wish to work as a foreign language assistant teacher in elementary, middle, or high schools.


◆ Native English assistant teachers (EPIK) and native Chinese assistant teachers (CPIK) who have signed an employment contract with the provincial superintendent and teach English conversation in elementary, middle, and high schools. * EPIK (English Program In Korea) was introduced in 1996 in response to the government's globalization policy and implemented from 1997. ** CPIK (Chinese Program In Korea) is a program to invite native Chinese assistant teachers launched by the Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology from December 2012. - Native English volunteers (TaLK) who have signed an employment contract with the provincial superintendent and work as after-school English conversation teachers in elementary schools. * The TaLK (Teach and Learn in Korea) program started in September 2008, inviting overseas Koreans and foreign university students to form teams with domestic university students and serve as English teachers in rural elementary schools after school. Overseas Koreans with permanent residency and 1st and 2nd-year university students can also apply. Visa Issuance - Issue a single-entry visa* with a residency period of the contract duration within a maximum of 2 years + 1 month, and assign a detailed sub-category code for conversation instruction residency qualification (E-2-2). * However, for FTA English assistant teachers, E-2-91 is granted, and for Americans, a multiple-entry visa is issued.

Required Documents

① Visa issuance application form (Form No. 17), passport, standard size photo (1 piece), and fee.

② Native English or Chinese assistant teacher's pass certificate or TaLK scholarship invitation letter (issued by the National Institute for International Education or provincial superintendent). * Since the National Institute for International Education or provincial superintendent verifies academic records and criminal records before issuing a pass notice or invitation letter, these documents are usually exempted. ③ Employment contract signed with the provincial superintendent.

E2 Application for Certificate of Visa Eligibility (when inviting a native language instructor in Korea)


Foreign language academy instructor ◆ Those engaged in foreign language conversation instruction in foreign language and international courses as stipulated in Article 3-3 of the Enforcement Decree of the Act on the Establishment and Operation of Private Teaching Institutes and Extracurricular Lessons. * As of the amendment to Article 2(1) of the Act on the Establishment and Operation of Private Teaching Institutes and Extracurricular Lessons on October 25, 2011, remote learning schools that use information and communication technology for school subjects are also included. Instructors selected and hired by elementary schools or affiliated language research institutes. * Native English assistant teachers (EPIK), government-invited foreign English volunteer scholars (TaLK), and native Chinese assistant teachers (CPIK) selected and hired (including employment contracts) by provincial superintendents are eligible for discretionary visa issuance by overseas consuls. ◆ Conversation instructors at affiliated training centers established for employee training. - Those engaged in conversation instruction at affiliated training centers established under individual laws or the Act on the Operation of Public Institutions. * Allowed even if registered as a workplace-affiliated lifelong education facility under the Lifelong Education Act. ◆ Conversation instructors at lifelong education facilities established under the Lifelong Education Act. * School-affiliated lifelong education facilities, school/corporate university/remote university-type lifelong education facilities, workplace/civic group/media-affiliated lifelong education facilities, knowledge/human resource development-related lifelong education facilities. ◆ Conversation instructors at lifelong education facilities established by other laws (including ordinances) and operated by the state or local governments. ◆ Conversation instructors at vocational ability development training facilities and vocational ability development training corporations established under the Worker Vocational Ability Development Act. ◆ Corporations and public institutions with classrooms equipped with language teaching materials, etc., where their employees can learn conversation. * Public enterprises, quasi-governmental agencies, and other public institutions established under the Act on the Operation of Public Institutions are included. They can be checked at

Required Documents

① Visa issuance approval application form (Form No. 21), passport, standard size photo (1 piece).

② Publicly verified academic certificate (one of the following: copy of degree certificate, degree acquisition certificate, graduation certificate with degree acquisition details). * Apostille verification (for treaty countries) or consular verification by the Korean consulate in the host country (for non-treaty countries) or a separate verification document from the host country's government agency (in the case of Japan). - If a degree was obtained from a domestic university, a non-publicly verified copy of the degree certificate is acceptable. - If a publicly verified academic certificate has been submitted in the past, it is exempted. ③ Publicly verified criminal record certificate issued by the home country (must include criminal records from the entire country).

* Apostille verification (for treaty countries) or consular verification by the Korean consulate in the host country (for non-treaty countries). - The criminal record certificate must have been issued within 6 months from the application date. - If you submit a criminal record certificate that has been officially verified in the past and stay, and then reapply within 3 months after leaving the country, the submission is exempted. If the period of stay abroad exceeds 3 months based on the re-entry date, you must submit a new one when registering as a foreigner.


【Main Countries' Criminal Record Certificate Issuing Agencies and Names (Examples)】

‣ USA: FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) Criminal Record (also recognized through FBI-Approved Channeler*), State Criminal Record Certificate (issued including nationwide criminal records)

‣ Canada: RCMP National Repository of Criminal Records issued by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, etc. ‣ UK: Basic Disclosure, Request for Information, ACPO Criminal Records Office Authentic Document, etc. issued by the Home Office, Police (Criminal Records Bureau, Disclosure Scotland, Access Northern Ireland, ACPO Criminal Records Office)

‣ Australia: AFP (Australian Federal Police) issued Standard Disclosure, National Police Certificate, etc. ‣ South Africa: Clearance Certificate issued by the South African Police Service

‣ Ireland: Police Certificate issued by the national police of the Republic of Ireland

‣ New Zealand: Criminal Record issued by the Ministry of Justice


④ Criminal record certificate officially verified from a third country - Submit if you obtained a degree in a country other than your own - The content and standards of the criminal record certificate follow the regulations of the ③ national criminal record certificate ⑤ Self-health check certificate

⑥ Employment contract (minimum wage requirement: at least the minimum wage for that year), documents related to the establishment of a school or organization ⑦ Other reference materials needed for review - Instructor utilization plan, status of students and employees, etc.

➠ When applying by proxy: Submit a power of attorney, agent's employment certificate, and agent's ID

Organizations or groups that can teach foreign language conversation

‣ Educational institutions from elementary school or affiliated language institutes

‣ Institutions or groups with training centers established for employee training

‣ Foreign language and international tutoring academies registered under Article 3-2 of the Enforcement Decree of the Act on the Establishment, Operation, and Extracurricular Lessons of Private Teaching Institutes

- Multiple courses can be registered and operated

- Corresponds to a foreign language specialty academy as stipulated in Article 12 of the Enforcement Decree of the Immigration Control Act (Appendix 1-2)

‣ Lifelong education facilities established by the Lifelong Education Act that meet the standards set by the Minister of Justice

‣ Lifelong education facilities established by other laws (including ordinances) that are established and operated by the state or local governments

‣ Vocational training facilities and vocational training corporations established under the Worker Vocational Ability Development Act

- Employment recommendation letter from the Minister of Labor is required

‣ Corporations and government agencies* with classrooms equipped with language teaching materials for staff to learn conversation

* Public enterprises, quasi-governmental agencies, and other public institutions established according to the regulations on the operation of public institutions

What is the Apostille Convention?

▶ The Apostille Convention is an agreement that abolishes the requirement for authentication of foreign public documents, which came into effect in our country on July 14, 2007.

▶ Documents from countries that have been verified by the Apostille have the same effect as consular verification by overseas consulates.

▶ When applying for a visa issuance certificate, etc., documents that require consular verification as a submission requirement recognize both traditional consular verification (non-contracting countries) and documents that have undergone Apostille verification.



Member Countries



South Korea, Mongolia, Brunei, Hong Kong, Macao, Japan, India, Israel, Turkey, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Oman



UK, France, Germany, Netherlands, Norway, Italy, Albania, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Finland, Estonia, Georgia, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Macedonia, Ukraine, Andorra, Moldova, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Liechtenstein, San Marino



USA, Mexico, Peru, Dominican Republic, Argentina, Panama, Suriname, Venezuela, Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Honduras, Colombia, Dominica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Grenada, Saint Vincent, Trinidad and Tobago, Saint Lucia, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Uruguay, Costa Rica



South Africa, Mauritius, Cape Verde, Sao Tome and Principe, Botswana, Lesotho, Liberia, Namibia, Eswatini, Malawi



New Zealand, Australia, Fiji, Mauritius, Marshall Islands, Samoa, Cook Islands, Tonga, Seychelles, Niue

E2 Visa Change of Residency Qualification (When a foreigner changes to an E2 visa in Korea)

a. Target and authority for permission ​- For those who are registered foreigners (including A-1, A-2, A-3) and are hired as English assistant teachers for elementary and secondary schools invited by city or provincial superintendents and want to teach, the authority is delegated to the chief regardless of the residency qualification they hold. b. Documents to submit ​- Officially verified academic and criminal record certificates, employment physical examination certificate, employment contract, documents related to the establishment of a group, and other evidence materials for review. ‣ If it is confirmed that you have submitted an officially verified academic and criminal record certificate and employment physical examination certificate in the past, and you are continuously staying with a job-seeking (D-10) qualification, the submission of these documents is exempted. ‣ English assistant teachers of elementary and secondary schools who have signed an employment contract with a city or provincial superintendent only need to submit an 'employment contract' and a native English assistant teacher 'pass certificate'. * The education office autonomously verifies academic and criminal record certificates and employment physical examination certificates. ※ The employment physical examination certificate must be submitted in a sealed envelope (do not open). ‣ If the salary in the employment contract is below the minimum wage (the minimum wage for that year), the change of residency qualification is fundamentally restrained.

1. For those who are hired as foreign English teachers* invited by the Ministry of Education (city or provincial superintendent) and want to teach elementary, middle, and high school students, they can change to E-2 qualification regardless of the qualification they hold.

① Application form (Form 34), passport and foreigner registration card (if applicable), standard size photo, fee

② Pass notification or notification issued by the city or provincial superintendent or the president of the National Institute for International Education

③ Original and copy of the employment contract

④ Copy of the school's business registration certificate (or unique number certificate)

* However, English assistant teachers of elementary and secondary schools who have signed an employment contract with a city or provincial superintendent are exempted from submitting academic and criminal record certificates and employment physical examination certificates and only the minimum required documents such as 'pass certificate' and 'employment contract' are collected (also, if you have submitted an officially verified academic and criminal record certificate and employment physical examination certificate in the past while staying as a conversation instructor, and you are currently staying with a job-seeking (D-10) or other qualification as a registered foreigner, the above three documents are exempted).

2. Registered foreigners (including A-1, A-2, A-3) who meet the conversation instruction (E-2) requirements

a. Target and authority for permission

- If you are a registered foreigner (including A-1, A-2, A-3) who meets the conversation instruction (E-2) qualification requirements, you are allowed, and the authority is fundamentally delegated to the chief*.

b. Documents to submit and things to check

① Application form (Form 34), passport and foreigner registration card, standard size photo, fee

② Original and copy of the employment contract

③ Copy of the business registration certificate

④ Officially verified academic certificate

- If you have submitted an officially verified academic certificate in the past, it is exempted.

*Apostille verification (contracting country) or consular verification by a Korean consulate abroad (non-Apostille contracting country) or a separate verification document from the country's government agency (in the case of Japan)

➠ If you obtained a degree from a domestic university, you are allowed to submit a copy of the degree certificate without official verification.

⑤ Criminal record certificate officially verified* issued within 6 months from the application date

- If you have submitted an officially verified criminal record certificate in the past and reapply within 3 months after leaving the country, it is exempted. If the period of stay abroad exceeds 3 months based on the entry date, you are guided to submit a new one when registering as a foreigner.

*Apostille verification (contracting country) or consular verification by a Korean consulate abroad (non-Apostille contracting country) or consular verification by the country's consulate in Korea (for those staying in Korea)

- If you have a criminal record*, it is fundamentally not allowed.

⑥ Officially verified criminal record certificate from a third country

- Submit if you obtained a degree in a country other than your own

- The content and standards of the criminal record certificate follow the regulations of the ⑤ national criminal record certificate

⑦ Employment Physical Examination Certificate* (Must be submitted in a sealed envelope, cannot be opened)

* Includes the results of the physical examination and HIV and drug tests (methamphetamine, cocaine, opium, marijuana are mandatory test items) issued by a medical institution designated by the Minister of Justice according to the public official recruitment physical examination regulation form.

⑧ Copy of the Academy Establishment and Operation Registration Certificate (if applicable)

⑨ Copy of the Lifelong Education Facility Registration Certificate (if applicable)

3. Change from Study Abroad (D-2), Job Seeking (D-10) ➠ to Conversation Instructor (E-2) Qualification

a. Qualifications (Must meet all of the following ①, ②, ③ requirements)

① Possess Job Seeking (D-10) or Study Abroad (D-2) qualifications and be legally residing.

② The field in which one wishes to work must correspond to the qualifications for Professor (E-1), Conversation Instructor (E-2), Research (E-3), Technical Guidance (E-4), Professional Job (E-5), Art Promotion (E-6), Specific Activity (E-7) and must meet the necessary requirements.

③ Must sign an employment contract with the representative of the intended employer or organization.

※ Study Abroad (D-2) qualification holders refer to those who are expected to graduate and meet the requirements to change to Job Seeking (D-10) qualification. However, if one has already obtained a bachelor's degree or higher from a university in their home country or a third country and meets the necessary career requirements, they are allowed to change even if they are still enrolled.

b. Required Documents

① Application form (Form 34), passport, and foreigner registration card, fee

② Employment contract ③ Degree or career certificate

④ Establishment-related documents of the employer (business registration certificate, academy establishment certificate, registry copy, etc.)

⑤ Criminal record certificate (from home country and third country, if applicable)

⑥ Employment Physical Examination Certificate (Must be submitted in a sealed envelope, cannot be opened)

3. Change from Visa Waiver(B-1) Qualification for Germans to Long-Term Residency Qualification

- Permitted Residency Qualification: All long-term residency qualifications excluding Technical Training (D-3), Non-professional Employment (E-9), and Tourist Employment (H-1).

- Permit Period: The maximum period that can be granted once per residency qualification.

※ Must have Conversation Instructor (E-2) qualification.

E2 Visa Extension

◆ Required Documents

① Application form (Form 34), passport, and foreigner registration card, fee

② Original and copy of the employment contract

③ Copy of the business registration certificate

④ Copy of the Academy Establishment and Operation Registration Certificate (if applicable)

⑤ For those employed at lifelong education facilities and corporations, a comprehensive review using data such as student status, lecture schedule, and source of wage income is used to make a decision.

⑥ Criminal record certificate and educational verification documents. For existing residents who need to supplement these documents, the necessary documents need to be supplemented.

⑦ Residency verification documents (lease agreement, accommodation provision confirmation, notice of expiration of residency period, public fee payment receipt, dormitory fee receipt, etc.)

⑧ Lecture schedule

※ For native English teachers invited by the Ministry of Education or city/province/education superintendent

① Criminal record certificate ② Educational verification ③ Employment physical examination documents are not required.

Workplace Change Notification

◆ To enhance national competitiveness through the utilization of professional manpower, conversation instructors are also allowed to change/add workplaces just by reporting.

◆ The workplace includes not only the "current employer with whom an employment contract is signed" but also "places where activities corresponding to the residency qualification are conducted under the employer's instructions."

【 Designated Workplace (Example) 】

• Native English teachers affiliated with A Superintendent teaching English at B Elementary School also teaching at other schools like C, D Elementary School within the jurisdiction.

• Foreign language conversation instructors from A Academy visiting companies, etc., for conversation guidance (However, the company, etc., must meet the conditions to employ a conversation instructor, and the monthly lecture hours at the company, etc.,

must not exceed 1/3 of the monthly lecture hours at A Academy).

• Other workplaces (activities) similar to the above reasons.

※ Common Matters: Must correspond to the employment contract and the scope of activities corresponding to the residency qualification, there must be no separate employment contract or compensation payment between the foreigner and the place (business) of activity, and it must not be a dispatched labor form of employment

▶ Subjects for Workplace Change Notification

​- Those who work normally until the end of the employment contract period and change the workplace or change the company due to the closure or suspension of the employer.

​- Those who change the company after being dismissed or resigning due to their own fault and receive the transfer consent from the original employer.

​- Those who sign an additional employment contract with another workplace with the consent of the current employer.

​- Those who receive separate compensation for teaching at another company within the range of 1/3 of the average monthly lecture hours under the instructions of the current employer.

‣ If the foreigner teaches according to the lecture contract signed between the current employer and another institution/organization that can employ E-2 teachers and receives separate compensation according to the contract, it can be seen as a de facto third-party contract form of additional workplace, so it is reasonable to add it to the notification target.

‣ If a company is suspected of employing an excessive number of people compared to the size of the classroom and the number of students, a survey should be conducted to prevent illegal private tutoring and other illegal manpower utilization to determine whether to allow it.

Check the lecture schedule for each E-2 teacher to see if the lectures are being conducted according to the schedule and if more than 1/3 of the monthly lecture hours are being used in the form of external business trips. If violated, do not issue a visa issuance certificate, and restrict additional employment until the reason is resolved.

▶ Excluded from Workplace Change Notification

​- Government-invited youth English volunteer scholarship students* who cannot meet the qualifications required to work in the changed/added workplace.

* If you do not meet the educational requirements of a university graduate (bachelor's degree) or higher, you do not meet the qualifications of a conversation instructor at a foreign language academy, so you cannot change the workplace.

​- Even if you meet the qualifications, if you are dismissed or resign in the middle due to your own fault and do not receive the transfer or additional workplace consent from the original employer.

▶ Notification Procedure

- Conversation instructors who change/add workplaces must report within 15 days from the date of the reason for the report to the jurisdictional chief, etc., by submitting the 'Workplace Change/Addition Report and the prescribed attachments (agent's report is allowed).

- Since a workplace change/addition report sticker or reporter must be attached or stamped/written on the passport, it is based on a visit report*.

▶ Required Documents

- Application form (Form 34), passport, foreigner registration card, employment contract, business registration certificate, consent form of the original workplace*, facility establishment-related documents, etc.

* However, the consent form of the original workplace is exempted if you have worked until the end of the contract period or the date agreed upon to work with the original workplace, and in case of suspension or closure of the original workplace or wage default, etc., it can be replaced with proof documents or a reason letter.

※ If the remaining residency period is shorter than (new employment contract duration + 1 month), you must obtain permission for an extension of the residency period, and additional required documents must be submitted for the extension permission review.

Foreigner Registration

1. Foreigner Registration Application Documents ① Application form (Form 34), original passport, 1 standard-sized photo, fee

② Business registration certificate according to the 'Value Added Tax Act'

③ Employment Physical Examination Certificate (Must be submitted in a sealed envelope, cannot be opened)

- Must be issued by a medical institution designated by the Minister of Justice according to the employment physical examination notice. * However, native English assistant teachers hired by the city/province/education superintendent and government-invited overseas English volunteer scholarship students are exempt from submission (submit to the jurisdictional education authority for independent verification). ④ Residency verification documents 2. Foreigner Registration Change Report a. Qualifications: Name, gender, date of birth, nationality, passport number, issue date, expiration date b. Report Period: Report within 15 days from the date of change c. Required Documents ① Application form (Form 34), passport, and foreigner registration card, no fee ② Change-related verification document


Honest and sincere, Immigration-related professional administrative office.

Company information

Cha Dong-seok Administrative Office

Tel: 010-3423-0935

Unit 301, 254, Eulji-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

Business number: 563-54-00713


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