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E-7-4 Visa Skilled Workers: 2023 Selection Strategy and Checkpoints (Root Company Certification Points, etc)

Updated: Mar 1

The number of selections for the E-74 visa for skilled labor is significantly increased from 2,000 in 2022 to 5,000 in 2023.

A few days ago, we received an inquiry from an E-9 visa holder from the Philippines who wanted to apply for the E-7-4 skilled labor visa. After a telephone consultation, it was confirmed that the individual had slightly over 50 points based on their own calculations, and the client was feeling discouraged, wondering if there were any other options.

※ The E-7-4 visa is something that all E-9 workers would strongly desire. This is because under the E-9 worker status, you cannot invite family members, and after a certain period (a maximum of 9 years and 8 months), the visa expires and you have to leave the country. However, if you obtain the E-7-4 visa, you can invite family members, and there are no restrictions on the length of stay, so if you meet the requirements, you can continue to stay in Korea. Additionally, family members of E-7-4 visa holders invited under the F-3 visa (accompanying) are also eligible for medical insurance benefits as dependents of employed individuals.

I recommended that the client visit our office for a detailed consultation because there may be differences between the scores calculated by the client and the scores I calculated. Client visited our office yesterday.

During the consultation with the client, I made a phone call to the company's HR department to confirm various details. It was discovered that the company has a certification as a Root Company.

※ As you may know, the E-7-4 visa is a point-based system.

When it comes to issuing the E-7-4 skilled labor visa, whether the company has a Root Company Certificate or not can make a significant difference. Just having worked continuously at a Root Company can result in a substantial increase in points

※ We also provide services for obtaining Root Company Certificates.

In the case of the client, had worked for 4 years and 10 months reentered as a diligent worker, and now, several years have passed, with the visa set to expire in April 2023. If they don't get the E-7-4 visa, they would have to return to the Philippines.

After calculating both the years of employment at the same company and the benefits related to the Root Company (Root Company certification + years of employment at the Root Company) that the client had not checked, the total points were just below 70 points.

The client mentioned that the cutoff score for the last quarter of the previous year was 69 points, and with the increase to 5,000 selections this year from 2,000 in 2022, wouldn't it be okay? client asked me this question.

While the selection quota has increased, the specific details of where the increase is coming from, whether it's from the regular quota or the additional quota, and what additional requirements will be added, have not yet been announced. Therefore, it's too early to feel completely reassured. I advised the client that there is still time, and with a little effort and attention to detail, there are certainly areas where additional points can be gained.

Of course, detailed announcements are needed to fully understand the situation, but in my personal opinion, I expect that there will be changes or additions to the requirements for issuing the E-7-4 visa. Along with the employment permit for new industries, there is a high likelihood that the selection quota, especially for off-quota selections, will increase.

The E-7-4 visa is not something that can be created overnight. E-9 workers need to plan and implement their strategies over an extended period to be selected stably while meeting the point requirements.

Now, let's look at strategies for responding to changes in the E-7-4 visa and what needs to be checked.

Response Strategy for 2023 E-7-4 Visa Change

1. First, consider how to accumulate points and, if your current points are insufficient, how to make up for them.

2. Consider what would be more advantageous given your condition, i.e., whether to apply through regular selection or apply through a KOTRA recommendation with off-quota selection. Simultaneously, plan for both regular and off-quota selections so that if one falls through, you can apply for the other within your planned timeframe.

2023 E-7-4 Visa Change Checklist

1. First and foremost, check the allowed number of foreign workers by industry

- For example, in industries like manufacturing, if a company is not a root company and has fewer than 50 employees, only one foreign worker can apply for an E-7-4 visa. other foreign workers are not eligible.

2. Check whether have a Root Company Certificate ◆ For Root Companies: (1) Skills verification (2) Years of employment at the Root Company (3) Employment recommendation from the Ministry of Industry, Trade, and Resources should all be considered for additional points. ◆ For non-Root Companies: Check if you can obtain a Root Company Certificate. If it's difficult to check or there are issues with the issuance, please contact us. 3. Calculate the years of employment at the same company - Many foreign individuals often forget to calculate or miscalculate this part when calculating their points. 4.Check for a relevant recommendation letter from central government agencies - This is the part where you can most certainly gain extra points, but many people miss out due to lack of knowledge about the process. For a precise assessment of whether you can obtain a recommendation letter, detailed consultation is required. 5. Rural area( Eup, Myeon) Work Experience - It's not that it's impossible just because it's in Gyeonggi Province. 6. Proof of income amount - The average income over the past two years is used for calculation, and it should be at least KRW 26 million annually 7. final degree certificate - Most E-9 workers graduated in their home countries, so you need to obtain your degree certificate from there. Remember that you must also obtain Korean Consulate verification or Apostille for the degree certificate. Please calculate the time and prepare without being too rushed 8. Age - Unfortunately, as you get older, your points tend to decrease. Therefore, if you meet the point requirements, it's recommended to apply while you're still relatively young 9. Korean language proficiency - At least TOPIK Level 2 or completion of the Social Integration Program Level 2 is required Note that TOPIK Level 3 or higher is required for the Root Company Skills Verification 10. assets - For this part, preparation is crucial. Many E-9 workers send almost all of their earnings back to their home countries. If you want to continue living in Korea and aspire to change to an E-7-4 visa, consider saving at least KRW 30 million or having domestic assets worth over KRW 50 million. These assets don't just appear overnight. 11. Lastly, deduction factors - Many applicants are not aware of any deduction factors. Sometimes, individuals claim to have no deduction factors but later discover that they have violated the Immigration Control Act or other regulations. Take some time to think it over and, if there are any doubts, double-check.

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