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D4 visa F1 visa D-4-3 for foreign students in high school or below and F-1-13 for accompanying parents invitation

Today, I will post about the D4 visa (D-4-3) for foreign students in high school or lower and the accompanying F1 visa (F-1-13) for the parents of those foreign students.

The client, a Malaysian national, came to Korea on a short-term visa and, wanting their child to study in Korea, requested my assistance for visa issuance. Although the client could have proceeded with a D8 visa (100 million won corporate investment), they felt no need to work or start a business in Korea as their spouse was running a business back home and they were financially stable. Through consultation, we decided to proceed with a D4 visa for the child to study in Korea and an F1 visa for the parent to stay as an accompanying guardian. The first step is to secure an admission letter from an educational institution eligible for the D-4-3 visa for the child. With the admission letter, applications for both the child's D4 visa and the parent's F1 visa as an accompanying guardian can proceed. I located a foreign school in the area where the client would reside, communicated with the person in charge, and found the school suitable for the D-4-3 visa. We then proceeded with obtaining an admission letter from that school. The process generally follows these steps ① Locate a foreign school eligible for the D-4-3 visa ② Prepare the necessary documents and apply for admission to the foreign school ※ The documents required for admission vary slightly by school, so it's essential to confirm with the school's representative and prepare accordingly ③ After obtaining the admission letter, apply for the child's D4 visa and the parent's F1 visa

D4 Visa (D-4-3) for Foreign Students in High School or Lower

1. Eligible Educational Institutions

①Schools under the "Elementary and Secondary Education Act" excluding public vocational schools, telecommunication middle and high schools, and advanced technical schools. ② Foreign schools and alternative schools

※ (Alternative schools: Those with annual tuition fees of 5 million won or more and recognized by the Superintendent of Education as an accredited educational institution) ③ Foreign educational institutions under the "Special Act on the Establishment and Operation of Foreign Educational Institutions in Free Economic Zones and Jeju International Free City" ※ (However, institutions providing compulsory (free) education under the "Elementary and Secondary Education Act" are excluded)

2. Eligible Foreign Students

(1) Foreign students invited by government agencies or local governments ▶ Foreign students invited by government agencies or local governments who have been granted admission or are currently enrolled in eligible educational institutions as full scholarship students - In cases of invitation by government agencies, visa issuance is exceptionally allowed even for those admitted to compulsory (free of charge) educational institutions. - Documents proving tuition and living expenses are replaced by official letters from the inviting agencies. (2) Self-funded foreign students (not allow to change their short-term visa to this status after entering Korea) ▶Foreign students who have been granted admission or are currently enrolled in eligible educational institutions and meet the following requirements with a designated guardian -Must fully self-fund their education-related expenses (tuition, dormitory fees, admission fees, etc.) -Must have the financial ability to cover living expenses in Korea ▶ Guardian - Must be a Korean national or a registered foreigner residing in Korea, having a familial relationship with the student or able to prove a close relationship with the student's parents (agents from educational institutions and homestay providers are not allowed). - For students from countries with a high incidence of illegal stay (21 countries), the guardian must have an annual income exceeding the previous year's Gross National Income (GNI) announced by the Bank of Korea or be above the median level as defined by the "National Basic Living Security Act." ※ Illegal stay prevalent countries (21 countries): China, Philippines, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Mongolia, Thailand, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, India, Myanmar, Nepal, Iran, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine, Nigeria, Ghana, Egypt, Peru ※ The annual income or assets can be combined between the applicant and their spouse ※ Foreigners must have registered for foreign residence, allowing for long-term stay in Korea ※ A guardian can oversee no more than two foreign students, except for high school students (excluding middle school students and below) who are exempted from having a guardian if they are admitted to the school's dormitory (a confirmation letter from the school principal is required)

3. Required Documents

▶ Common documents ① Application form, copy of the passport, standard-size photo ② Educational institution's business registration certificate (or unique number certificate copy) ③ Admission letter issued by the school principal ④ Proof of highest educational attainment (graduation certificate or current enrollment certificate, etc.) ▶ Additional documents for self-funded foreign students ⑤ Proof of tuition payment (detailing all education-related expenses) ⑥ Proof of financial ability to cover living expenses in Korea for at least three months, shown by a bank balance statement or account activity ⑦ Guarantor's assurance form - (even if the guarantor is a parent or within the second degree of kinship, the form is still required) - Confirmation of dormitory residence from the school principal if the guardian is exempt ⑧ Financial capability proof of the guardian (for citizens of countries with a high incidence of illegal stay) -can include tax payment receipts, property ownership proof, real estate transaction contracts, or bank balance certificates issued or authenticated by government institutions or banks ⑨ Documents proving relationship with the guardian (if not related by blood, additional documents to prove the relationship may be required) ⑨ Family relationship proof (for citizens of countries with a high incidence of illegal stay) - should include original documents and translations, with passports or other documents showing the parents' names in English ▶ Additional documents for foreign students invited by government agencies or local governments ⑤ Proof of being a full scholarship student issued by government agencies or local governments.

F1 Visa (F-1-13) for Parents Accompanying Foreign Students in High School or Lower

1. Target

- Relatives within the second degree of consanguinity to a self-funded foreign student who have been granted admission or are currently enrolled in an educational institution eligible for the D-4-3 visa, with one parent allowed per foreign student. ※ Principally, parents of students invited by government agencies or local governments as scholarship recipients are not eligible for this visa.

2. Requirements

① Must have the financial ability to cover living expenses in Korea - Must have the financial ability to cover living expenses in Korea for a year, amounting to twice the annual living expenses standard for the foreign student (per person) ※ The financial ability to cover living expenses in Korea refers to the cost of living for one year in Korea

※ Similarly, for self-funded foreign students under the D4 visa, there is a condition that they must have the financial ability to cover living expenses in Korea

※ The annual living expenses standard for foreign students in Korea, as of 2023, is set at approximately 1 million KRW per month. Thus, excluding tuition fees, the annual living expenses proof needed for a foreign student is 12 million KRW (1 million x 12 months)

※ For accompanying parents, the required proof of living expenses is twice the annual standard amount per student. Therefore, a proof of 24 million KRW (12 million x 2) is needed.

※ Consequently, to invite one child on a D4 visa and one parent on an F1 visa, excluding the child's tuition fees, a bank balance proof of over 36 million KRW is required ② Must possess a certain level of financial ability (for citizens of 21 countries with a high incidence of illegal stay) - The annual income must be equal to or exceed the previous year's GNI, or assets must be above the median level according to the "National Basic Living Security Act." ※ The financial requirement can be met either through annual income or assets, and the income or assets of a spouse can be combined. ③ Other

- Those who have been fined more than 2 million KRW or received a penalty notice, deportation, or exit order due to violations of the Immigration Control Act or similar laws within the last five years are restricted from being issued a visa (visa issuance approval)

3. Required Documents

① Application form, passport, standard-size photo, fee

② Admission letter or certificate of enrollment

③ Proof of family relationship (original and translated documents, household registration, birth certificate, etc.)

④ Proof of financial ability to cover living expenses in Korea (bank balance certificate showing a deposit maintained for at least three months)

⑤ Proof of financial capability (for citizens of countries with a high incidence of illegal stay) - Documents issued or certified by government institutions or banks showing a standard amount or higher, such as tax payment receipts, property ownership proof, real estate transaction contracts, or bank balance certificates.


Honest and sincere, Immigration-related professional administrative office.

Company information

Cha Dong-seok Administrative Office

Tel: 010-3423-0935

Unit 301, 254, Eulji-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

Business number: 563-54-00713


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