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D4 Visa (D-4-2) General Training: Eligibility and Required Documents for Inviting Foreign Employees (Trainees/Interns) by Foreign-Invested Companies

Updated: 4 days ago

Today, we will learn about the D4 Visa (D-4-2) for general training, which is applied for when inviting trainees (interns) to a foreign-invested company.

The D-4 visa (general training) applies when foreign-invested companies based in Korea, such as OOO Korea, invite employees from their headquarters or other overseas branches (affiliates) for training purposes.

If a domestic company that is not a foreign-invested company establishes an overseas branch or local corporation and invites employees working there for training purposes, it falls under the D-3 visa (technical training).

※ The D4 visa is intended for training. If the purpose is not training but working in Korea for a certain period under a dispatch order from the overseas headquarters or another overseas branch (affiliate), it corresponds to the D8 visa. Regardless of whether it is D4 or D8, if it is not a dispatch order from the headquarters, it must be proven that they are the same affiliate.

For the target requirements and required documents for D8 visa foreign dispatched employees, you can check the link below.

D4 Visa (D-4-2) Eligibility

▶ Employees of foreign-invested companies or companies that have invested abroad who are involved in education or training as interns (trainees) or engage in research activities.

※ If the individual is a graduate (or expected graduate) of a domestic university, they can also apply for a D-4 visa through a status change. However, since most domestic university graduates obtain a D-10 (job-seeking) visa, it is rare to apply for a D-4 visa again, so most D-4 visa applications are made when inviting employees from overseas headquarters or affiliates.

D4 Visa (D-4-2) Required Documents for Inviting Foreign Trainees (Interns)

Documents for the Invitee (Foreign Trainee)

1. Copy of passport

2. Resume

3. Degree certificate

4. Certificate of employment (proof of work experience)

Documents for the Inviting Company (Foreign-Invested Company)

1. application for confirmation of visa issuance – attach one 3.5cm x 4.5cm passport-size photo of the invitee

2. Copy of the ID card of the representative of the inviting company

3. Invitation letter

4. Training plan

5. Confirmation of trainee expense coverage

6. Dispatch order

7. Documents proving the headquarters or other overseas branches (affiliates) - such as the list of affiliates

8. Identity guarantee letter

9. Business registration certificate

10. Foreign-invested company registration certificate

11. Corporate registration certificate

12. Value-added tax certificate

13. Standard financial statement certificate

14. Payment history certificate

15. Tax payment certificate (national tax clearance)

16. Local tax payment certificate


Honest and sincere, Immigration-related professional administrative office.

Company information

Cha Dong-seok Administrative Office

Tel: 010-3423-0935

Unit 301, 254, Eulji-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

Business number: 563-54-00713


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