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C3 Visa-Inviting Trainees from a Vietnamese Branch by a Domestic Corporation in Korea, Requirements

Updated: Jan 23

A recent inquiry came from the representative of a domestic corporation in Daegu, South Korea. They asked if there was a way to invite three employees from their branch in Vietnam to the headquarters in South Korea for technical training. After reviewing the company's qualifications, it was determined that inviting them under the D-3 (Technical Training) visa was not feasible due to the company's insufficient requirements.

Therefore, I suggested proceeding with a C-3 short-term training visa. Fortunately, all three invitees were successfully granted permission and are currently undergoing technical training at the headquarters' production facility.

Today, I will discuss the C-3-1 visa, which allows domestic corporations to invite employees from overseas branches for training, including its eligibility, requirements, and submission documents.

Let's first look at the basic aspects as per the manual.

C-3-1 Visa (Short-term General) Eligibility

◆ Individuals intending to participate in friendly matches, events, or conferences held in South Korea

- Includes participants in competitions like golf or football, where prizes are awarded only upon winning, and performers in broadcasting or music contests.

* Excludes individuals who receive compensation exceeding the standard living expenses, or those invited to participate for a fee separate from the prize money.

※ The nature of friendly matches and similar events should be verified through contracts to determine if the compensation exceeds standard living expenses.

◆ Government or corporate employees seeking to enhance their technical or professional skills during a short stay.

※ Includes those receiving compensation not exceeding living expenses, but activities involving skill acquisition for labor compensation fall under the Technical Training (D-3-1) category.

◆ Domestic helpers accompanying South Korean nationals living abroad for humanitarian reasons, for a short stay (less than 90 days) in South Korea.

※ Humanitarian reasons include childcare or nursing due to childbirth, surgery, or funeral arrangements.

◆ Legal spouses and minor children of individuals recognized as refugees under Article 37 of the Refugee Act, seeking family reunification, are eligible for a 90-day visa (subject to verification of refugee status, family relationship, and desire for family reunification).

◆ Individuals entering South Korea for purposes within the scope of short-term visit (C-3) activities, excluding pure tourism (C-3-2) to general tourism (C-3-9).

※ Granted stay duration: Up to 90 days

Required Documents

① Visa application form, passport, photo, application fee

② Invitation letter or documents substantiating the purpose of entry (event, short-term training, etc.)

- Embassies may specify additional requirements based on local conditions.

In this case, the application was for corporate employees seeking short-term technical training. Therefore, additional documents were submitted to prove the relationship between the headquarters in South Korea and the Vietnamese branch (such as remittance details and the branch's establishment permit).

The most crucial documents for a C-3 short-term visa invitation are the invitation letter and the training plan. The invitation letter should include a commitment not to engage in illegal employment and a guarantee of return. The training plan should clearly state the exact training period and schedule.

For countries where C-3 visa issuance is more stringent, such as the 21 countries with a high incidence of illegal stay, additional documents are submitted to assure that there is no risk of illegal employment or stay. These include a guarantee of the applicant's identity and a confirmation of accommodation provision.

Identity Guarantee: The guarantor should be the corporate representative, with the company seal and the guarantee period matching the stay duration.

Accommodation Provision Confirmation: Accommodation provider's (including the company) lease agreement or property registry certificate, along with a copy of the provider's ID, should be attached.

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