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C-3-3 Medical Tourism Visa Eligibility and Required Documents

Updated: Jan 23

So, today let's explore the C-3-3 Medical Tourism Visa for those who are inquiring about bringing in foreign patients.

Invitation Targets

1. Foreign patients intending to enter the country for treatment or care purposes at a domestic medical institution invited by a medical tourism attraction institution. 2. Family members such as spouses who require accompanying entry for the care of foreign patients. ※ Medical Tourism Attraction Institution: An institution registered as a foreign patient attraction medical institution or foreign patient attraction business operator under the Medical Act.

Eligibility of Inviter

1. An individual who has registered as a foreign patient attraction medical institution or attraction operator under the Medical Act.

2. Only allowed for cases where the inviting party registered as an attraction institution applies for a visa issuance recognition certificate online (

Application Through Visa Issuance Recognition Certificate

1. For short-term stays of up to 90 days for treatment and travel purposes: Residence Status C-3-3, Maximum Stay: 90 days, Visa Validity: Single Entry Visa for 3 months, Double Entry Visa for 6 months, Multiple Entry Visa within 5 years. ※ When issuing C-3-3 visas to nationals of the following 21 countries, a single-entry visa for 90 days or a double-entry visa will be granted.

< China, Philippines, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Mongolia, Thailand, Pakistan,

​Sri Lanka, India, Myanmar, Nepal, Iran, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine, Nigeria, Ghana, Egypt, Peru >

2. For long-term stays of 91 days or more for treatment and travel purposes

Residence Status G-1-10, Maximum Stay: 1 year, Multiple Entry Visa within 1 year.

※ Vietnam is an exception, with limitations on issuance of visa issuance recognition certificates and electronic visas.

Application Through Electronic Visa

1. Electronic Visa System

As part of the simplified visa issuance process for attracting overseas talent and tourists, certain individuals like professors, researchers, etc., can apply for a visa online without visiting an overseas mission.

2. Eligibility for Electronic Visa Issuance

Foreign patients invited by medical tourism institutions registered with the Ministry of Health and Welfare that have been designated as "Excellent Attraction Institutions for Medical Tourism" by the Minister of Justice.

※ Medical tourism excellent attraction institutions are designated by the Minister of Justice through the September-October Evaluation Committee each year.

Other Notes

※ Similar content visa or visa issuance recognition certificate is issued for spouses or accompanying family members.

Required Documents

① Visa Issuance Recognition Application Form (Attachment No. 21 Form), Passport Copy, One Standard-Sized Photograph

② Medical certification issued by a medical institution

③ Documents proving the ability to cover medical treatment and stay expenses

※ For cases where an excellent attraction institution extends the invitation, proof of financial ability may be omitted for the invitee.

④ Copy of business registration certificate and attraction institution registration certificate

※ For members, existing document submission is sufficient.

⑤ Family relationship proof documents (marriage certificate, family relationship record certificate, or birth certificate, etc.)

※ Applies to spouses and accompanying family members requiring accompanying entry.

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